Men’s Ministry
We are excited to have brothers connect with other brothers as we explore and foster our faith through Men’s Small Groups, events, and service.
Men’s Small Groups
Men’s Small Groups are open to any man willing to meet weekly for friendship, Christ-centered character formation, encouragement and equipping to be Jesus’s hands of love and hope in our community and the world.
Monday Morning Men – 7:00 to 8:30 AM. Join us as we read and discuss Luke’s Gospel. We meet at Bethany in the Commons Room.
The Theology Boys – 2:00 to 4:00 PM, every other Wednesday in Amherst.
Friday Morning Men – 7:00 to 9:00 AM. Join us as we read and discuss Deuteronomy. We meet at Bethany in the Commons Room.
Men’s Ministry Events
March 22nd–24th, 2024
Men’s Retreat at Pilgrim Pines
The Pilgrim Pines Men’s Retreat is designed to ignite your passion to live for Christ. Through engaging worship, practical teaching, spiritual direction and great fun we take an exciting journey together as men over a Friday night through Sunday noon.
Show Up Activities
If you want to go hiking, biking, board gaming, spring skiing (or any other activity) let us know and we can share the plans to see who else might like to join you. To make just show up activities know for guys and their friends to attend.
Brothers Serving Others
Join as we help people in need with home projects or community service projects. We will share when there is a need the details to serve a person, family or ministry when the needs arise.