Did you know you or your children could help on Saturday mornings spread the love of Christ and help distribute food to the needy in Manchester? Meet at JFK Coliseum in Manchester every Saturday morning from 8:00AM-12:00PM. See JT Shupe for more details.
Coat Drive for CAM
Christian Aftercare Ministry (CAM) - Missions would greatly appreciate your donations again this year for New or “Gently Used” men’s jackets or coats in size large or extra large. A collection bin will be in the Church Narthex from 10/13-10/27.
Questions? Please contact Neil or Deb Corriveau.
Boot Drive for 1269 Cafe
Please follow this link to SignUp Genius to fulfill Missions request for new boots for those in need, as listed by each individual’s name & size…both men and women are included! New sock donations (wool/moisture wicking) would also be well received! A collection box will be in the Narthex from 10/13 through 10/27. Questions? Please contact Stephen Mercier or Cathy Thorgerson.
New England Seafarer’s Mission
Volunteers Needed!
The cruise ship season is ramping up again! Volunteers are needed at the NE Seafarers Mission Store in Boston to help crew members buy needed items, collect packages, and send $$ home! Come solo, as a family, or with a group! Click here for the NESM sign up showing dates available. If you have any questions or concerns about driving into Boston, contact Cheryl Hamel.