Take Your Next Step In Following Jesus


Your first step is the easiest: let us know you’re here and you are interested in learning more. Fill out the card below and we will be able to include you in our weekly email, answer prayer requests, and answer any questions about life here at Bethany Covenant Church.

Next Steps

This is the time and place to ask questions about what it really means to follow Jesus.

  • Welcome Lunch: May 15 12:00 PM
    Join us for lunch as you meet our pastors, other folks interested in learning more about following Jesus here at Bethany.

  • First Steps Group: Wednesdays 6:15 PM
    Wondering how to make that next step in your relationship with Christ? Have questions that have been in your mind for years? Just want to know the basics? This ongoing class is open to jump in at anytime.

Membership Class

The purpose of membership is to join with other followers of Christ here at Bethany. In this class, you will learn how about our community here at Bethany, learn about your gifts and talents, and how you can use them here to help others follow Jesus. Interested in joining our next membership class beginning on January 12th?

Wednesdays starting April 24th - May 15th, 9:00 AM

Click the link below to sign up.