Surge Student Mentor
Description and Purpose
Surge is the name for our weekly Middle School student ministry at Bethany Covenant Church. Mentors meet each Wednesday from 5:30pm to 8:00pm. It is a time of interactive Bible study, engaging discipleship, and fellowship for 6th - 8th grade students. Students receive an overview of the Bible, attend the retreats, and participate in community outreach. Surge meets Wednesdays at 6:00pm – 8:00pm during the fall, winter, and spring.
Mentor Responsibilities
Check weekly BCY: Update email as well as weekly Surge outlines
Read and respond to all Remind Text information messages
Arrive early to all ministry meetings to plan, pray, and prepare
Inform the Youth Pastor of any issues, conflicts, concerns, or complications dealing with youth, volunteers, mentors, program, etc. in a prompt and respectful manner
Enthusiastically engage with students during Surge through fellowship, games, activities, and small group discussions
Assist the Youth Pastor with setup, participation, and takedown of activities and games
Bring excitement to Surge and PowerSurge events, retreats, and service opportunities
On occasion, assist and/or lead the teaching time for Surge and BCY: AM
Mentor Relationship and Discipleship
Attend all Mentoring meetings and engage with all reading assigned
Pray for students in and out of the program, that they might grow in their faith, in their maturity, and in their relationships
Communicate and interact with students outside of regular programming as is comfortable and appropriate